Town of Dune Acres, Indiana

Security Office Phone (219) 787-8800
Town Clerk Phone (219) 787-1900

Information for Dune Acres Residents

Click on the underlined link below for information

Subscribe to E-mail Notifications. We will notify you when there are changes to the web site, upcoming Town and social events, or other matters of interest to Dune Acres residents. You may also read past e-mail notifications.

Access to Public Information. Public records are available to residents and the general public upon request.

Town Council Meetings. Draft minutes of each town council meeting are posted shortly after the meeting date. Official minutes are posted the following month, once they've been approved.

Natural Landscaping in Dune Acres. Information and resources to help preserve and nurture the natural flora existing on your property. Especially pertinent for homebuilders and newcomers to Dune Acres.

Ecological Cost Share Program. Matching grant program to help Dune Acres residents remove invasive plant species from private property. Download the application here.

Invasive Plant Prohibition. List of plant species which cannot be planted in Dune Acres

Upcoming Social Events. Plan to participate in upcoming social events

Plan Commission Meetings. Download to view/print an unofficial summary of, or the official minutes of, the meetings of the Plan Commission.

Town Budget and Expenses. Information and reports related to Town finances.

The Beachcomber. The Beachcomber, is resident-produced newsletter featuring news and information and other articles of interest to Dune Acres residents.

Clubhouse Rentals. Residents of Dune Acres may rent the the Clubhouse for private events and parties during the months of April through November. Residents may also sponsor rentals on behalf of friends or family members.

Official Town Forms. Download and print official forms for vehicle registration, dog licenses, emergency property information, house key program, improvement location permit applications, and contractor registration. Change your listing in the Town telephone directory, or order additional directories.

Snow and Ice Removal Policies. Dune Acres employs an outside contractor to manage our roads during winter weather. Here's what you need to know.

Lyme Disease is spread primarily through the bite of the deer tick. Learn to recognize the symptoms, and read about treatments.

Online Payments. Residents and contractors who wish to pay fees online, may do so through our processing provider

Additional Information. Information on schools, libraries, shopping, utilities, telephone and internet service, rubbish and garbage collection,transportation, services for seniors, voting, and other information of interest to Town residents.