Mineral Springs Road Railroad Crossing
Indiana statutes govern the length of time that a railroad train may block a street. Section 8-6-7.5-1 of the Indiana Code states, "It shall be unlawful for a railroad corporation to permit any train, railroad car or engine to obstruct public travel at a railroad-highway grade crossing for a period in excess of ten (10) minutes, except where such train, railroad car or engine cannot be moved by reason of circumstances over which the railroad corporation has no control." In addition, the Indiana Department of Transportation has said, "In the case of blockages, the local law enforcement official or prosecutor has the authority to issue tickets and fine railroad companies."
If you are blocked by more than ten minutes, you should call the Trainmaster of the South Shore Freight Line at (219) 874-9000, extension 224 or the Manager of Train Operations, at (219) 874-9000, extension 221. During non-business hours, contact the Dispatcher at (219) 874-9000, extension 299 and ask the Dispatcher to contact the manager on duty.
If you do not get your issue resolved, contact Jim Thompson, Vice President of Operations of the South Shore Freight Line at (219) 874-9000, extension 220. Please furnish him with the date and time of the incident, and if possible, the identifying numbers on the engines of the train.
As a last resort, the President of the South Shore Freight Line is Andrew Fox. His office telephone number is (219) 874-9000, extension 201.
You may also call the Porter County Sheriff or Town of Porter Police Department at 911, as well as report the incident to the Dune Acres Security office at (219) 787-8800.