Town of Dune Acres, Indiana

Security Office Phone (219) 787-8800
Town Clerk Phone (219) 787-1900

Notice to Builders

Please read carefully

We are sure that you came here because of the attractive topography of the area. Do you realize that this topography and vegetation are maintained. If a layer is broken, rain and wind will remove the  underlying sand and the exposed area will rapidly expand to produce what we call a blowout. Unless this expansion is restrained, the blowout will expand until it is several hundred feet wide and up to a quarter of a mile long.

We have found that contractors are unaware of the potential and that if the owner is not insistent upon their limiting the disturbance of the topsoil, they will leave the owner of a new home with a continuing problem for both himself and his neighbors. We ask that you take this problem very seriously and insist that your contractor understand the problems and take the necessary precautions to prevent damage to yourself and your neighbors.

Before you proceed with any excavation or construction, a Building Permit must be obtained from the Town Clerk-Treasurer.

The following specific problems have developed with previous constructions:

-- the creation of hazards such as undermining of adjoining property or the blowing and shifting of sand not protected by a ground cover and/or a retaining wall. (According to Indiana law you are liable for damages.)

-- the dumping of excavated sand on adjoining property without the owner's consent

-- the placement of a driveway so that it constitutes a hazard to traffic and allowance of insufficient off-street parking. (See Zoning Ordinance, Section 10.4.)

-- the unnecessary blocking of a neighbor's view.

To inform yourself of the problems of the community, it is recommended that you attend the Town Council and Plan Commission meetings. The former are held on the third Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. The latter are held on the second Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m. Both meet in the Town Hall.