Town of Dune Acres, Indiana

Security Office Phone (219) 787-8800
Town Clerk Phone (219) 787-1900

Historical Committee

The Dune Acres Historical Committee was established in 1988. It maintains the Dune Acres Archives which include pertinent news clippings, photos, audio and video tapes of residents interviewed on noteworthy Dune Acres events, correspondence on issues the Town has faced since 1922, and books by past and present Dune Acres authors. Beginning in 1990, the Historical Committee began issuing a series of "Occasional Papers," setting forth aspects of Town history, and in 1998 published a 75th Anniversary Celebration of "The History of Dune Acres."

The Historical Archives are located in the Town Hall. Arrangements to view them may be made through a member of the Historical Committee. You may also view some of the documents by clicking here.

Chair: Bob Hartmann