Town of Dune Acres, Indiana

Security Office Phone (219) 787-8800
Town Clerk Phone (219) 787-1900

Civic Improvement Foundation

The Dune Acres Civic Improvement Foundation, Inc. was conceived and organized for the purpose of affording a means by which Dune Acres residents and friends can aid the community in its efforts to maintain high quality institutions, facilities and services, and provide programs and projects that will contribute to and enhance the viable and progressive character and wholesome environment of the community.

The Foundation was formed as a body distinct and separate from the Town of Dune Acres to which tax-deductible gifts, bequests, and memorials, etc. may be given. It was incorporated in the State of Indiana on November 25, 1984, and received final approval of 501(C)(3) tax-exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service on August 28, 1986. It is managed by a Board of Directors of 12 members with rotating four-year terms of office. For information concerning donations, funding requests, or Foundation financial information, please contact the President or the Treasurer of the Foundation.

Numerous improvements to the Town, its historic clubhouse, and its parklands were purchased from donations that had been made to the Foundation. An Annual Report of activities and accomplishments of the Foundation is presented to the Dune Acres Town Council. Copies of the reports may be obtained by contacting the President of Dune Acres Civic Improvement Foundation.

Residents and friends of Dune Acres are invited to make a tax-deductible donation for a specific community improvement purpose, in memory of a friend or relative, or to the unrestricted fund of the Foundation. Checks should be made out to Dune Acres Civic Improvement Foundation, Inc., and mailed to One East Road, Dune Acres, IN 46304.