Town of Dune Acres, Indiana

Security Office Phone (219) 787-8800
Town Clerk Phone (219) 787-1900

Board of Zoning Appeals

This Board is quasi-judicial. It has the duty to hear and determine appeals from, and to review any order, requirement, decision or determination of the Plan Commission. It may grant variances if specific criteria, found in Indiana Statues and Dune Acres Ordinances, are met. The BZA also has appeals jurisdiction, and hears and determines appeals from, and reviews certain types of actions taken by specified Town officials and bodies. Decisions and findings of the Board are subject to judicial review, as provided by Indiana law.

The BZA has five members, whom are listed in the back of the Dune Acres Telephone Directory. Meetings are called when needed. The members are appointed for a four-year term, commencing January 1st of the year of appointment, as follows: 

  • Three citizen members are appointed by the President of the Town Council-- one of whom must be a member of the Plan Commission and two must not be members of the Plan Commission.

  • One citizen member is appointed by the Town Council, who must not be a member of the Plan Commission.

  • One member is appointed by the Plan Commission from its membership.

None of the members of the BZA may hold other elective or appointive office in Dune Acres, county or state government. A member must be a voting resident of Dune Acres.